
6 The Giving Friends

Lauren Henninger

Inspired by “Epilogue: Returning the Gift” in Braiding Sweetgrass

Summary: In a small community, Aria is thinking about who means the most to her when she finds a gift that she must give to someone meaningful as part of her community’s tradition. Aria finally decides who to give her gift to, and once she does she gets a great surprise out of it as well.

Keywords: Meaningful, Tradition, Community

On a Fall day in a small community, Aria was walking through her school when she found a small present wrapped up in a beautiful bow and packaging.

She saw the package hidden behind a chair. She grabbed the present and started to unwrap it when she saw a tag on it. The tag said “To: someone special.”

Aria looked around confused wondering who the present was for. She looked to the left, looked to the right, and peaked around the corner to see if anyone was looking for it.

Aria did not see anyone around her, so she took the present and put it in her backpack before she went to class.

After school, she went home and took the present out of her backpack. She had remembered that there is a long-standing tradition in her community that around this time of year people give the ones that mean the most to them in their lives a present. They do this to show appreciation towards each other and what they do for each other.

Aria realized that this gift was not meant for her to open but placed there for her to give to someone that is meaningful to her. Aria started to think very hard about who she was going to give this gift to.

She started thinking about everyone in her life that is meaningful to her. Aria thought of her parents, who provide her with a home, food, and everything else she needs.

She thought of her brother and sister, who always play with her and help her when she needs it.

Aria thought of her aunts, uncles, and cousins who always show her love and support.

She also thought of her grandparents who work very hard and take care of her often.

Aria knew that all these people meant a lot to her, and they do so much for her…. but one other person came to mind.

Aria’s teacher, Miss Heather, was one of the most caring and kind people that Aria knew. She had helped Aria a lot. Sometimes she does Aria’s hair, sometimes she helped Aria make special things for her family, and she even would walk Aria to her grandparents’ house after school sometimes.

When Aria thought of all these nice things that Miss Heather had done for her, she decided that she was going to give this meaningful present to Miss Heather.

The next day, Aria got ready for school by packing up her gift for Miss Heather, her backpack, her lunch, and she was on her way to school.

When she got to school, she went straight to Miss Heathers classroom to give her the gift. Aria was shaking with excitement. She knew that this would also mean so much to Miss Heather.

Aria said “Miss Heather, I have something for you to show you how thankful I am for you.” She handed her the gift and Miss Heathers eyes filled with tears. Miss Heather said “that is so sweet of you Aria, thank you so much” while bending down to give her a hug.

Aria was calm as soon as Miss Heather gave her a hug. Miss Heather then reached behind her back as she started to pull something out of a bag.

Arias eyes lit up as Miss Heather started to hand her a box also! Miss Heather said, “my students also mean so much to me and I would like to give each of you a present as well to show my appreciation towards you,” Aria smiled.

“Thank you so much Miss Heather, I love you as my teacher,” Aria said. Aria and Miss Heather hugged again, and Aria put the box in her backpack.

Later that day, Aria went to her grandparents’ house after school and told her grandmother all about her special gift exchange with Miss Heather. Her grandmother said to Aria “I am so glad that you got to experience this special tradition with someone who is meaningful to you.”

Aria smiled and said, “me, too, grandma,” while giving her a hug.


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