
Support from the Miller Open Education Mini-Grant Program was instrumental in creating this lab manual. Thank you to the Iowa State University Library, the Center for Excellence in Learning & Teaching (CELT), and the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost (SVPP), who are all co-sponsors of this program.

I would particularly like to thank Abbey Elder, who was incredibly helpful in every step of the process, from early planning through completion. I would also like to thank Abbey for her tireless championing of Open Education Resources at Iowa State University and her leadership on the Open & Affordable Education Committee.

I would also like to thank Harrison Inefuku and the ISU Digital Press, the University Bookstore, and the Iowa State Printing Services for their assistance in creating both the virtual manual and the printed excerpt of the lab activities.

The anatomy course that this manual is designed for, including its weekly organization, learning outcomes, and lab activities, has been developed over years at ISU and I am greatly indebted to the efforts of the previous and current members of the teaching team, including Barbara Krumhardt, Mary Madsen, Karri Haen Whitmer, and Aron Nakama, along with all of the graduate and undergraduate teaching assistants that have contributed to the course. Aron Nakama, in his role as lab coordinator, has been especially helpful in developing the current iteration of the lab course and setting it up for future success.


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Fundamentals of Human Anatomy Laboratory Manual Copyright © 2024 by Carly Manz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.