
Section 2: Identifying and Writing About Your Motivation

2.9. Brainstorming About Your Motivation

Part II


Brainstorming (Part 2): Now that you’ve learned a bit more about how you can communicate your motivation in the SoP, go back to the brainstorming you did in the Brainstorming Activity Part 1. Think about what you wrote and consider what else you might add or expand upon.

  • How can you be more specific about your career objectives and research interests?
  • Is there more to your personal experiences and/or identities that are important to share?
  • What is the connection between your personal experience and your motivation to pursue a graduate degree?
  • In each of these strategies, how can you engage in addressing the “what?” along with the “so what?”, “why”, and “how”?

Important! Make sure that you save a copy of your brainstorming by selecting the “Copy” button below and then pasting the text into a Word document.

This activity can also be downloaded: SoPBrainstormingQuestions [DOC]


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