3.1. Identifying and Writing About Your Relevant Experiences
In Section 2 we learned about one goal of the SoP framework, motivation, which is the core of the statement of purpose. It is important, however, to also discuss the experiences which have informed this motivation. This section will include options for how to engage in identifying and writing about which experiences and qualifications are the most meaningful and impactful. Importantly, this section will help you identify the possibilities while also being selective in which experiences should be included (or not) in your story. I intentionally include this section after discussing motivation because it helps you stay focused on their motivation and use that to reflect on your relevant experiences.
- Goal 1. Experiences: The relevant experiences you’ve had which have informed and prepared you to pursue a graduate degree.
- Goal 2. Motivation: Your purpose for wanting to pursue a graduate degree which is often related to specific research interests and/or career objectives.
- Goal 3. Fit to Program: A discussion of why a particular graduate program is right for you given your motivation (and especially your research interests and objectives).