

The graduate school application is high-stakes, and it can feel overwhelming because the expectations, materials, and processes are not always clear to applicants. To address these challenges, this resource is intended to be an introduction to the graduate school application process and the required materials, with a specific focus on the statement of purpose (SoP), an essay that is usually a required, and important, part of the application. The framework introduced in this resource is based on empirical research (Todey, in progress) which has analyzed the structure of 192 statements of purpose for master’s and doctoral programs across 32 disciplines.

The naming of this essay can be confusing because several different terms are used to refer to the same essay. Some applications refer to this essay as a personal statement while others call it an academic statement of purpose or letter of intent. There are a few instances where an application might require both a statement of purpose and a personal statement which indicates that these terms are referring to different types of essays. For our purposes, this resource will distinguish between statements of purpose and personal statements and will intentionally use the term statement of purpose.

Please note that this book is intended to be a guide for individuals applying to master’s (e.g., M.A., M.S.) and doctoral (e.g., Ph.D., Ed.D.) programs, both research and coursework based. It is not intended for those applying to professional degree programs, such as an MBA, JD, or MD/DO. While professional graduate program applications might have some overlap with master’s and Ph.D. application materials, there are differences, and these differences are beyond the scope of this resource.

Section 1 provides an overview of the graduate school application process and the materials which are typically required. It then provides an overview of the statement of purpose (SoP), the SoP framework, and sample prompts. Section 2 discusses the motivation component of the framework, Section 3 discusses the experience component of the framework, and Section 4 introduces the final section of the SoP framework, fit to program. Section 5 pivots to a discussion of the writing process, and how an applicant can move through this process when writing the SoP. In Section 6, four additional SoPs are provided and annotated as model texts. Finally, Section 7 provides words of wisdom from individuals who have successfully navigated the graduate school application process and Section 8 offers some guidance from graduate faculty who review graduate school applications.

You are encouraged to use the resource as it serves your needs and writing process. This resource will hopefully help you think about the expectations and structure of the SoP and guide you in starting to write. You are strongly encouraged to seek feedback from mentors and to work with the writing center at your institution.

As you use this resource, I hope that you find increased confidence in your application as you reflect on your motivation for applying to graduate school, how your experiences have informed this decision, and your fit to particular graduate programs.


An enormous thank you goes to all the students, and especially the McNair Scholars, who have shared their stories with me over the past several years. I am deeply grateful for the Scholars who agreed to share their statement in this resource so that future graduate school applicants might benefit from these models. Thank you also to Iowa State University’s Miller Open Education Mini-Grant Program for the funding to develop this resource, Abbey Elder and the ISU Digital Press team for their help in development, the four peer reviewers who offered kind and meaningful feedback, and especially to Dr. Elena Cotos and Dr. Sarah Huffman for their support in the development of this framework. Finally, I would like to thank Thelma Harding for first welcoming me into the ISU McNair Scholars Program.

A note on permissions

The 10 statements of purpose used in this resource were written by Iowa State University McNair Scholars who were accepted into a graduate program. All 10 Scholars granted me permission to use their materials in this resource as models, and they were asked how to handle attribution; therefore, you will see some full names, some first names only, some initials, and some pseudonyms, all of which reflect the Scholars’ attribution preferences.

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