Appendix 7: Table of Assignments



Pre-course Survey

Survey to assess baseline of student understanding

Reflective Writing #1

First reflective writing assignment considering field trips and observations

Peer Review #1

Peer review of field notebook

Paper Reading #1

Paper reading paired with field trip

Reflective Writing #2

Second reflective writing assignment considering field trips and observations

Paper Reading #2

Paper reading paired with field trip

Peer Review #2

Peer review of field notebook

Paper Reading #3

Paper reading paired with field trip

Field Notebook

Entire field notebook consisting of an entry for each field trip

Professional Materials #1

First draft of personal statement, CV, and email template

Peer Review #3

Peer review of professional materials

Proposal #1

First draft of research proposal – use template

Professional Materials #2

Second draft of personal statement, CV, and email template

Peer Review #4

Peer review of professional materials

Proposal #2

Second draft of research proposal

Professional Materials #3

Final draft of personal statement, CV, and email template

Proposal #3

Final version of research proposal with proper formatting

Reflective Writing #3

Final reflective writing assignment considering course as a whole

Final Presentation

Final presentation of research proposal, based on written proposal

Post-course Survey

Survey to assess change in student understanding


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Experiences in Biodiversity Research: A Field Course Copyright © 2024 by Thea B. Gessler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.