

Manual History

a lab manual from 1968
A Lab Manual from 1968

A version of this manual has been around longer than we know. Shown to the right is a version from 1968, and it was the fifth edition. Recipes, charts, and questions have been added or removed over time, but much of the same content still exists in the lab manual. It is exciting to present a new version while noting the history and precedent of the lab manual and food labs taught in MacKay Hall over many, many years.

Recipe Use

Recipes were chosen for this laboratory manual to illustrate the principles of food preparation and food science. While most of the recipes produce a standard product, some are not designed for general use. For example, cream pie filling recipes are designed to set within a three-hour laboratory period and may be too stiff if allowed to stand longer. In some cases, the ingredient proportions and time/temperature of heating or cooling depend upon the recipe’s size, and results will not be satisfactory if the recipe is scaled up.


  • Margarine may be substituted for butter in recipes unless the recipe specifies otherwise.
  • Bottled lemon juice may be used in all recipes unless a recipe specifies fresh juice.
  • Dried herbs will be used more frequently than fresh herbs.
  • Broth, stock, or bouillon may be substituted for each other as needed.


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Food Preparation Lab Manual for FSHN 1150 Copyright © 2025 by Iowa State University Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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