
2.4 Varietal Differences Conclusion

  1. List 4 additional fruits and/or vegetables with varietal differences by looking at seed catalogs like Johnny’s, Stark Brothers, Parks, and Burpee. Be ready to share about one thing you found in the seed catalogs (online or in one of the catalogs in the lab).
  2. What characteristic distinguishes an excellent sauce apple from an excellent pie or baking apple?
  3. What vitamin is valued in orange sweet potatoes, especially in parts of Africa?
  4. What is one way to re-crisp fresh (raw) vegetables?
  5. What is one way to slow or prevent enzymatic browning?


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Food Preparation Lab Manual for FSHN 1150 Copyright © 2025 by Iowa State University Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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