
2.2 Osmosis and Enzymatic Browning


  • Observe osmosis. 
  • Understand how osmosis can be used to move water in and out of raw fruits and vegetables.
  • Observe enzymatic browning.
  • Identify some methods of controlling enzymatic browning.


Definition: Water moves across a semipermeable membrane in response to solute concentration. Osmosis is important when considering fruit and vegetable cell membranes.

Cell membranes are semipermeable, which:

  • Allows water to pass in and out of cells
  • Blocks passage of dissolved solutes

This means water will move across the cell membrane to try to even out concentrations. Cells full of water = crisp fruits and vegetables.


A figure showing osmosis
Water will move from areas of high concentration (greater amount of free water) to areas of low concentration (areas where there is more water bound to solutes.)

Importance in food quality: Osmosis may lead to a soggy, not crisp texture in fruits and vegetables

Give an example of osmosis in a food product:






Observe the effect of salt on the appearance and texture of cucumbers

Method Appearance Texture
Soak in 1 cup of cold water only
Soak in salt/water solution (2 tbsp salt to 1 cup cold water)
Sprinkle with 2 tbsp salt only







Enzymatic Browning

Definition: Browning reaction when some fruits and vegetables are cut and exposed to oxygen. Substrate + Enzyme + Oxygen = Browning –OR– Phenolic compounds + Polyphenoloxidase + Oxygen

Importance in food quality: Appearance (not a safety concern)

Enzymatic Browning Reaction

Give an example of enzymatic browning in a food product:





Give an example of a way to prevent enzymatic browning:






Demonstrate enzymatic browning and methods of control

  1. Slice an apple or banana onto separate dishes with a stainless steel knife.
  2. Apply assigned treatment.
  3. Allow to stand uncovered for one hour.
  4. Record observations.
Treatment Appearance
Diluted lemon juice
(1 part to 3 parts water)
Commercial anti-darkening agent


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Food Preparation Lab Manual for FSHN 1150 Copyright © 2025 by Iowa State University Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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