Book Title: Iowa State University Academic Integrity Tutorial

Book Description: Academic integrity is a fundamental value in academia and enhances student learning and success. This Academic Integrity handbook will discuss why academic integrity is important, provide examples of academic dishonesty, share how students can practice academic integrity, outline the university policy and procedures pertaining to academic misconduct, and share resources to support your academic integrity and student success.
Book Information
Book Description
Academic integrity is a fundamental value in academia and enhances student learning and success. This Academic Integrity handbook will discuss why academic integrity is important, provide examples of academic dishonesty, share how students can practice academic integrity, outline the university policy and procedures pertaining to academic misconduct, and share resources to support your academic integrity and student success.
Iowa State University Academic Integrity Tutorial Copyright © 2022 by Dean of Students Office is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Research and information: general