Research Misconduct
Your reputation and that of your collaborators, faculty, field, and university depend on you conducting sound, responsible, and ethical research. Understanding how to conduct responsible research is key to avoiding a charge of misconduct. Research misconduct is fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research or in reporting research results.
Types of research misconduct1:
- Misappropriation of ideas
- Plagiarism & Self-Plagiarism
- Impropriety of Authorship
- Failure to Comply with Legislative and Regulatory Requirements
- Violation of Generally Accepted Research Practices
Falsification of Data Examples of research misconduct include, but are not limited to:
- Making up data or results and recording or reporting them
- Manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes
- Omitting data or results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record
- Taking a research idea or data from another person or written work and claiming it as your own Professional and Other Consequences of Research Misconduct
- Loss of credibility
- Loss of references from institution
- Ability to have partners in research