
Conclusion, Post Learning Assessment, & Knowledge Check

decorative imageWe hope that this learning module has provided you with an opportunity to reflect on your own integrity, the importance of integrity in an academic setting, and allowed you to identify strategies to avoid finding yourself in violation of the academic misconduct policy. If you have questions or wish to have additional discussion about the information that was shared in this module, you are encouraged to contact the Office of Student Conduct via email at knowthecode@iastate.edu, by phone at 515-294-1020, or discuss course-specific expectations with your instructor or faculty member.

In an effort to assess the learning outcomes associated with this tutorial, our office requests that you complete the pre- and post-assessment. The assessment is four questions in length and should take 2-3 minutes to complete. The information shared is anonymous.

For students who have been assigned to complete the knowledge assessment, please follow the below link after completing the above post-learning assessment . 




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Iowa State University Academic Integrity Tutorial Copyright © 2022 by Dean of Students Office is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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