
Applied Learning Activities

The following downloadable Applied Learning Activities (ALAs) and recommended readings are associated with the chapters linked below:

Chapter 1

Learning Activities

Recommended Readings

  • Eathington SR, Crosbie TM, Edwards MD, Reiter RS, Bull JK (2007) Molecular markers in a commercial breeding program. Crop Science 47(S3) S154S163.
  • Moose SP, Mumm RH (2008) Molecular plant breeding as the foundation for 21st century crop improvement. Plant Physiology 147: 969977.
  • Pannar 2017 Product Catalogue [PDF]

Chapter 2

Learning Activities

Recommended Readings

  • Knapp SJ (1998) Markerassisted selection as a strategy for increasing the probability of selecting superior genotypes. Crop Science 38: 11641174.
  • Mikel MA, Diers BW, Nelson RL, Smith HH (2010) Genetic diversity and agronomic improvement of North American soybean germplasm. Crop Science 50: 12191229.
  • Mumm RH, Dudley JW (1994) A classification of 148 U.S. maize inbreds: I. Cluster analysis based on RFLPs. Crop Science 34:842851.

Chapter 3

Learning Activities

Recommended Readings

  • Eberhardt SA. 1971. Regional maize diallels with US and semiexotic varieties. Crop Science 11: 911914.
  • Dudley JW. 1987. Modification of methods for identifying inbred lines useful for improving parents of elite single crosses. Crop Science 27: 944947.
  • Griffing, B. 1956. Concept of general and specific combining ability in relation to diallel crossing systems. Australian J. Biol. Sci. 9: 463493
  • Pannar 2017 Product Catalogue [PDF]

Chapter 4

Learning Activities

Recommended Readings

  • Gruneberg W. Mwanga R, Andrade M, and J Espinoza. 2009. Selection Methods: Breeding clonally propagated crops. In Plant Breeding and Farmer Participation, S Ceccarelli, EP
    Guimaraes, E Weltzien (eds), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
  • Bradshaw, J.E., and M. Bonierbale. 2010. Potatoes. In Handbook of Plant Breeding: Root and Tuber Crops, J.E. Bradshaw (ed). Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, New York, NY, USA

Chapter 5

Learning Activities

Recommended Readings

  • Peng, T., X. Sun, and R.H. Mumm. 2014a. Optimized breeding strategies for multiple trait integration: I. Minimizing linkage drag in single event introgression.  Molecular Breeding 33:89104. DOI 10.1007/s1103201399367.
  • Peng, T., X. Sun, and R.H. Mumm. 2014b. Optimized breeding strategies for multiple trait integration: II. Process efficiency in event pyramiding and trait fixation. Molecular Breeding 33:105115. DOI 10.1007/s11032013

Chapter 6

Learning Activities

Recommended Readings

  • J. SánchezMartín, D. Rubiales, F. Flores, A.A. Emeran, M.J.Y. Shtaya, J.C. Sillero, M.B. Allagui, E. Prats (2014). Adaptation of oat (Avena sativa) cultivars to autumn sowings in Mediterranean environments. Field Crops Research. 156: 111122.
  • Slater, A.T., Cogan, N.O.I. & Forster, J.W. Cost analysis of the application of markerassisted selection in potato breeding. Mol Breeding 32, 299310 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s1103201398717
  • Slater, A.T., Cogan, N.O.I., Hayes, B.J. et al. Improving breeding efficiency in potato using molecular and quantitative genetics. Theor Appl Genet 127, 22792292 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s0012201423868
  • Watson A, Ghosh S, Williams MJ, Cuddy WS, Simmonds J, Rey MD, Asyraf Md Hatta M, Hinchliffe A, Steed A, Reynolds D, Adamski NM, Breakspear A, Korolev A, Rayner T, Dixon LE, Riaz A, Martin W, Ryan M, Edwards D, Batley J, Raman H, Carter J, Rogers C, Domoney C, Moore G, Harwood W, Nicholson P, Dieters MJ, DeLacy IH, Zhou J, Uauy C, Boden SA, Park RF, Wulff BBH, Hickey LT. 2018. Speed breeding is a powerful tool to accelerate crop research and breeding. Nature Plants
  • Weyhrich, R.A., Lamkey, K.R. and Hallauer, A.R. (1998), Responses to Seven Methods of Recurrent Selection in the BS11 Maize Population. Crop Science, 38: 308321. https://doi.org/10.2135/cropsci1998.0011183X003800020005x

Chapter 7

Learning Activities


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Cultivar Development Copyright © 2023 by Walter Suza (Editor); Kendall Lamkey (Editor); and Rita H. Mumm is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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