Introduction to Early Adulthood
Alisa Beyer; Julie Lazzara; Diana Lang; Nick Cone; Margaret Clark-Plaskie; Lumen Learning; Martha Lally; and Suzanne Valentine-French
- Describe physical development and health in early adulthood
- Describe sexuality issues related to early adulthood
- Explain the facets of cognitive development occurring in early adulthood
- Distinguish between formal and postformal thought
- Describe cognitive development and dialectical thought during early adulthood
- Describe Erikson’s stage of intimacy vs. isolation
- Describe the relationship between infant and adult temperament
- Explain the five factor model of personality
- Describe adult attachment styles
- Summarize attachment theory in adulthood
- Explain adult gender identity and gender roles
- Describe some factors related to attraction in relationships
- Describe trends and norms in dating, cohabitation, and marriage across the world
- Describe educational trends in early adulthood
- Explain the relationship between education and work in early adulthood
The theory of emerging (or early/young) adulthood proposes that a new life stage has arisen between adolescence and adulthood over the past half-century in industrialized countries. Fifty years ago, most young people in these countries had entered stable adult roles in love and work by their late teens or early twenties.

Have you noticed that many young adults in industrialized societies today are taking longer to accomplish the early adulthood developmental tasks of becoming independent? Completion of formal education, financial independence from parents, marriage, and parenthood have all been markers of the end of adolescence and beginning of adulthood, and all of these transitions happen, on average, later now than in the past. The prolonging of adolescence within industrialized countries has prompted the introduction of a new developmental period called emerging adulthood (sometimes called early adulthood) that captures these developmental changes out of adolescence and into adulthood. [1]
Emerging adulthood is the period between the late teens and early twenties; approximately ages 18-25, although some researchers have included up to age 29 in the definition.[2] Arnett[3] argues that emerging adulthood is neither adolescence nor is it young adulthood. Individuals in this age period have left behind the relative dependency of childhood and adolescence, but have not yet taken on the responsibilities of adulthood. “Emerging adulthood is a time of life when many different directions remain possible, when little about the future is decided for certain when the scope of independent exploration of life’s possibilities are greater for most people than it will be at any other period of the life course”.[4]
Arnett[5] pointed out this prolonged transitional period and identified the following five characteristics of emerging adulthood that distinguishes it from adolescence and young adulthood:
Identity exploration

Erik Erikson[6] commented on a trend during the 20th century of a “prolonged adolescence” in industrialized societies. Today, most identity development occurs during the late teens and early twenties rather than in adolescence. It is during emerging adulthood that many people are exploring their career choices and ideas about intimate relationships, setting the foundation for adulthood. Emerging adulthood is an extended period of time for exploring what individuals between the ages of 18 and 25 want out of work, love, and life. Part of that exploration is attending postsecondary (tertiary) education to expand more pathways for work. Tertiarty education includes community colleges, universities, and trade schools.
Exploration generates uncertainty and instability.[7][8] Emerging adults tend to change jobs, relationships, and residences more frequently than other age groups. Rates of residential change in American society are much higher at ages 18 to 29 than at any other period of life.[9] This reflects the explorations going on in emerging adults’ lives. Some move out of their parents’ household for the first time in their late teens to attend a residential college, whereas others move out simply to be independent.[10] They may move again when they drop out of college, change trade schools, or when they graduate. They may move to cohabit with a romantic partner and then move out when the relationship ends. Some move to another part of the country or the world to study or work. For nearly half of American emerging adults, residential change includes moving back in with their parents or guardians at least once.[11] In some countries, such as in southern Europe, emerging adults remain in their parents’ home rather than move out; nevertheless, they may still experience instability in education, work, and love relationships.[12][13]
Being self-focused is not the same as being “self-centered.” Adolescents are more self-centered than emerging adults. Arnett found emerging adults tend to be very considerate of the feelings of others, especially their parents. They now begin to see their parents as people not just parents, something most adolescents fail to do.[14] Nonetheless, emerging adults focus more on themselves, as they realize that they have few obligations to others and that this is the time where they can do what they want with their life. Most American emerging adults move out of their parents’ home at age 18 or 19 and do not marry or have their first child until at least their late twenties.[15] Even in countries where emerging adults remain in their parents’ home through their early twenties, as in southern Europe and in Asian countries such as Japan, they establish a more independent lifestyle than they had as adolescents.[16] Emerging adulthood is a time between adolescents’ reliance on parents or primary caregivers and adults’ long-term commitments in love and work, and during these years, emerging adults focus on themselves as they develop the knowledge, skills, and self-understanding they will need for adult life. During emerging adulthood, they tend to make independent decisions about everything from what to have for dinner to whether or not to get married.
Feeling in-between
When asked if they feel like adults, more 18 to 25-year-olds answer “yes and no” than do teens or adults older than the age of 25.[17] Most emerging adults have gone through the changes of puberty, are typically no longer in high school, and many have also moved out of their parents’ home. Thus, they no longer feel as dependent as they did as teenagers. Yet, they may still be financially dependent on their parents or primary caregivers to some degree, and they have not completely attained some of the indicators of adulthood, such as finishing their education, obtaining a “career-based” full-time job, being in a committed relationship, or being responsible for others. It is not surprising that Arnett found that 60% of 18 to 25-year-olds felt that in some ways they were adults, but in some ways, they were not.[18] It is when most people reach their late twenties and early thirties that a clear majority feel like they have reached adulthood. Most emerging adults have the subjective feeling of being in a transitional period of life, on the way to adulthood but not there yet. This “in-between” feeling in emerging adulthood has been found in a wide range of countries, including Argentina,[19] Austria,[20] Israel,[21] the Czech Republic,[22] and China.[23]
Many possibilities

This stage tends to be an age of high hopes and great expectations. In one national survey of 18- to 24-year-olds in the United States, nearly all—89%—agreed with the statement, “I am confident that one day I will get to where I want to be in life.”[24] This optimism in emerging adulthood has been found in other countries as well.[25] Arnett[26][27] suggests that this optimism is because these dreams have yet to be tested. For example, it is easier to believe that you will eventually find your soulmate when you have yet to have had a serious relationship. It may also be a chance to change directions, for those whose lives up to this point have been difficult. The experiences of children and teens tend to be heavily influenced by the choices and decisions of their primary caregivers. If their primary caregivers are dysfunctional, there is little a child can do about it. In emerging adulthood, people can move out and move on. They have the chance to transform their lives and move away from unhealthy environments. Even those whose lives were happier and more fulfilling as children, now have the opportunity in emerging adulthood to become independent and make decisions about the direction they would like their life to take.
To hear about emerging adulthood and why it may take longer to reach adulthood today in industrialized nations, view this video clip of Dr. Jeffrey Arnett. In the first 6 1/2 minutes he describes four societal revolutions that may have caused emerging adulthood. In the second half of the clip, Arnett discusses how “30 is the new 20,” as twenty-somethings today enjoy unparalleled freedoms when compared with other generations.
Is Emerging Adulthood a Global Phenomenon?
The five features proposed in the theory of emerging adulthood originally were based on research involving about 300 Americans between ages 18 and 29 from various ethnic groups, social classes, and geographical regions.[28] To what extent does the theory of emerging adulthood apply internationally?
The answer to this question depends greatly on what part of the world is considered. Demographers make a useful distinction between the developing countries that comprise the majority of the world’s population and the economically developed countries that are part of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), including the United States, Canada, western Europe, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand. The rest of the human population resides in developing countries, which have much lower median incomes; much lower median educational attainment; and much higher incidence of illness, disease, and early death. Let us consider emerging adulthood in OECD countries first, then in developing countries.

The same demographic changes as described above for the United States have taken place in other OECD countries as well. This is true of participation in postsecondary education as well as median ages for entering marriage and parenthood.[29] However, there is also substantial variability in how emerging adulthood is experienced across OECD countries. Europe is the region where emerging adulthood is longest and most leisurely.[30] Europe today is one location comprised of the most affluent, generous, and egalitarian societies in the world.[31] Governments pay for tertiary education, assist young people in finding jobs, and provide generous unemployment benefits for those who cannot find work. In northern Europe, many governments also provide housing support. Emerging adults in European societies make the most of these advantages, gradually making their way to adulthood during their twenties while enjoying travel and leisure with friends.
The lives of Asian emerging adults in developed countries such as Japan and South Korea are in some ways similar to the lives of emerging adults in Europe and in some ways strikingly different. Like European emerging adults, Asian emerging adults tend to enter marriage and parenthood around age 30.[32] Like European emerging adults, Asian emerging adults in Japan and South Korea enjoy the benefits of living in affluent societies with generous social welfare systems that provide support for them in making the transition to adulthood—for example, free university education and substantial unemployment benefits.
However, in other ways, the experience of emerging adulthood in Asian OECD countries is markedly different than in Europe. Europe has a long history of individualism, and today’s emerging adults carry that legacy with them in their focus on self-development and leisure during emerging adulthood. In contrast, Asian cultures have a shared cultural history emphasizing collectivism and family obligations. Although many Asian cultures have become more individualistic in recent decades as a consequence of globalization, the legacy of collectivism persists in the lives of most emerging adults. They pursue identity explorations and self-development during emerging adulthood, like their American and European counterparts, but within narrower boundaries set by their sense of obligations to others, especially their parents.[33] For example, in their views of the most important criteria for becoming an adult, emerging adults in the United States and Europe consistently rank financial independence among the most important markers of adulthood. In contrast, emerging adults with an Asian cultural background typically emphasize becoming capable of supporting parents financially as among the most important criteria.[34][35] This sense of family obligation may curtail their identity explorations in emerging adulthood to some extent, as they pay more heed to their parents’ wishes about what they should study, what job they should take, and where they should live than emerging adults do in the West.[36]
Another notable contrast between Western and Asian emerging adults is in their sexuality. In the West, premarital sex is normative by the late teens, more than a decade before most people enter marriage. In the United States and Canada, and in northern and eastern Europe, cohabitation tends to be normative; many people have at least one cohabiting partnership before marriage. In southern Europe, cohabiting is typically still taboo, but premarital sex is more tolerated in emerging adulthood. In contrast, both premarital sex and cohabitation remain rare and forbidden throughout Asia.
For young people in developing countries, emerging adulthood typically only exists for the wealthier segment of society, mainly the urban middle class, whereas the rural and urban poor—the majority of the population—have no emerging adulthood and may even have no adolescence because they enter adult-like work at an early age and also begin marriage and parenthood relatively early. However, as globalization proceeds, and economic development along with it, the proportion of young people who experience emerging adulthood will most likely increase as the middle class expands. By the end of the 21st century, emerging adulthood may be normative worldwide.
In Europe, governments pay for tertiary education, assist young people in finding jobs, and provide generous unemployment benefits for those who cannot find work. In northern Europe, many governments also provide housing support. Emerging adults in European societies tend to make the most of these advantages, gradually making their way to adulthood during their twenties while enjoying travel and leisure with friends.
The lives of Asian emerging adults in developed countries, such as Japan and South Korea, are in some ways similar to the lives of emerging adults in Europe and in some ways strikingly different. Like European emerging adults, Asian emerging adults tend to enter marriage and parenthood around age 30.[37] Like European emerging adults, Asian emerging adults in Japan and South Korea enjoy the benefits of living in affluent societies with generous social welfare systems that provide support for them in making the transition to adulthood, including free university education and substantial unemployment benefits.
However, in other ways, the experience of emerging adulthood in Asian OECD countries is markedly different than in Europe. Europe has a long history of individualism, and today’s emerging adults carry that legacy with them in their focus on self-development and leisure during emerging adulthood. In contrast, Asian cultures have a shared cultural history emphasizing collectivism and family obligations.

Although Asian cultures have become more individualistic in recent decades, as a consequence of globalization, the legacy of collectivism persists in the lives of emerging adults. They pursue identity explorations and self-development during emerging adulthood, like their American and European counterparts, but within narrower boundaries set by their sense of obligations to others, especially their parents.[38] For example, in their views of the most important criteria for becoming an adult, emerging adults in the United States and Europe consistently rank financial independence among the most important markers of adulthood. In contrast, emerging adults with an Asian cultural background especially emphasize becoming capable of supporting parents financially as among the most important criteria.[39][40] This sense of family obligation may curtail their identity explorations in emerging adulthood to some extent, as they pay more heed to their parents’ wishes about what they should study, what job they should take, and where they should live than emerging adults do in the West.[41]
A Counter Argument: No Emerging Adulthood?
While Arnett describes “emerging adulthood” as a time of delayed entry into early adulthood, not everyone agrees. View this clip from Dr. Meg Jay, as she cautions young adults not to procrastinate since what happens during their twenties is important for the rest of adulthood:
- Arnett, J. J. (2000). Emerging adulthood. A theory of development from the late teens through the twenties. The American Psychologist, 55(5), 469–480. ↵
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- Arnett, J. J. (2006). G. Stanley Hall’s adolescence: Brilliance and nonsense. History of Psychology, 9(3), 186–197. ↵
- Arnett, J. J. (2003). Conceptions of the transition to adulthood among emerging adults in American ethnic groups. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 2003(100), 63–75. ↵
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- Douglass, C. B. (2007). From duty to desire: Emerging adulthood in Europe and its consequences. Child Development Perspectives, 1(2), 101–108. ↵
- Arnett, J. J. (2006). G. Stanley Hall’s adolescence: Brilliance and nonsense. History of Psychology, 9(3), 186–197. ↵
- Arnett, J. J. (2003). Conceptions of the transition to adulthood among emerging adults in American ethnic groups. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 2003(100), 63–75. ↵
- Rosenberger, N. (2007). Rethinking emerging adulthood in japan: Perspectives from long-term single women. Child Development Perspectives, 1(2), 92–95. ↵
- Arnett, J. J. (2004). Conceptions of the transition to adulthood among emerging adults in American ethnic groups. In J. J. Arnett & N. Galambos (Eds.), Cultural conceptions of the transition to adulthood: New directions in child and adolescent development. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. ↵
- Arnett, J. J. (2004). Conceptions of the transition to adulthood among emerging adults in American ethnic groups. In J. J. Arnett & N. Galambos (Eds.), Cultural conceptions of the transition to adulthood: New directions in child and adolescent development. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. ↵
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- Mayseless, O., & Scharf, M. (2003). What does it mean to be an adult? The Israeli experience. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 2003(100), 5–20. ↵
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- Arnett, J. J. & Schwab, J. (2012). The Clark University poll of emerging adults: Thriving, struggling, & hopeful. Worcester, MA: Clark University. ↵
- Nelson, L. J., & Chen, X. (2007). Emerging adulthood in China: The role of social and cultural factors. Child Development Perspectives, 1(2), 86–91. ↵
- Arnett, J. J. (2000). Emerging adulthood. A theory of development from the late teens through the twenties. The American Psychologist, 55(5), 469–480. ↵
- Arnett, J. J. (2006). G. Stanley Hall’s adolescence: Brilliance and nonsense. History of Psychology, 9(3), 186–197. ↵
- Arnett, J. J. (2003). Conceptions of the transition to adulthood among emerging adults in American ethnic groups. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 2003(100), 63–75. ↵
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- Arnett, J. J. (2003). Conceptions of the transition to adulthood among emerging adults in American ethnic groups. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 2003(100), 63–75. ↵
- Nelson, L. J., Badger, S., & Wu, B. (2004). The influence of culture in emerging adulthood: Perspectives of Chinese college students. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 28(1), 26–36. ↵
- Rosenberger, N. (2007). Rethinking emerging adulthood in japan: Perspectives from long-term single women. Child Development Perspectives, 1(2), 92–95. ↵
- Arnett, J. J. (2011). Emerging adulthood(s): The cultural psychology of a new life stage. In L. A. Jensen (Ed.), Bridging cultural and developmental approaches to psychology: New syntheses in theory, research, and policy (pp. 255–275). Oxford University Press. ↵
- Phinney, J. S., & Baldelomar, O. A. (2010). Identity development in multiple cultural contexts. In Bridging Cultural and Developmental Approaches to Psychology (pp. 161–186). Oxford University Press. ↵
- Arnett, J. J. (2003). Conceptions of the transition to adulthood among emerging adults in American ethnic groups. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 2003(100), 63–75. ↵
- Nelson, L. J., Badger, S., & Wu, B. (2004). The influence of culture in emerging adulthood: Perspectives of Chinese college students. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 28(1), 26–36. ↵
- Rosenberger, N. (2007). Rethinking emerging adulthood in japan: Perspectives from long-term single women. Child Development Perspectives, 1(2), 92–95. ↵