
Module 5 – Verify

Module 5: Overview

Module Objectives
  1. Module Objective 1: Students will be able to develop a prototype testing plan and analysis procedure (CLO1)
  2. Module Objective 2: Students will apply a test analysis procedure for prototype testing (CLO1)
  3. Module Objective 3: Students will be able to prepare structured summaries of design tool use and results that possess appropriate structure, grammar and tone (CLO3)
  4. Module Objective 4: Students will be able to function effectively in selected role (CLO2)
  5. Module Objective 5: Students will identify the appropriate manufacturing/assembly processes for building a functional prototype (CL04)

Module Highlights

In this module,  students will review/read the content, including watching videos. Students will watch quiz-based/activity-based videos and complete test for understanding activities. This will prepare students for the teamwork activities of completing. The teams will be developing a test plan to test in order to test performance of their prototype. The testing plan can use the team’s math model and/or DFMEA. The test plan will be implemented once the prototype is manufactured/assembled. The testing results will be analyzed and summarized. Two final report summaries(structured summary as part of final report) will be produced for this section. An industry perspective video (Vermeer Co.) on the design tools is included in this module.

Materials, Activities and Assignments

  • Read/review module content in sequential order as setup in Canvas
  • Watch embedded and associated module videos
  • Discuss in-class and on MS Teams the work progress to ensure work is completed and submitted per Canvas due date
  • Utilize Canvas templates to complete work as outlined in assignment document
  • Consult with Boyd Lab about your testing plan to ensure equipment available
  • Develop a test plan and implement it, and adjust testing if needed based on findings and/or other issues found during fabrication/manufacturing and testing
  • Complete an ECN when changes are made during testing
  • Submit module assignment(s):
Testing Plan

The team must be focused on roles/responsibilities to complete this assignment.  In order to successfully complete this assignment , teams will need to allocate work, considering roles/responsibilities. This interaction may take place in the classroom and on Microsoft Teams. The team will complete the DMADVR toolbox template(s) and submit to Canvas. A key to success is consultation with the Boyd Lab on test plans to ensure feasibility and equipment availability.  The teams will need to be respectful of other team sections, and consult with Boyd only during this section or discuss with lab personnel. There are multiple sections and those teams also are consulting with Boyd during their class time. Time management is critical in getting testing completed & analyzed, and the final report drafts of this section.

Hint: Team roles and responsibilities are important and critical particularly at this part of the design process. Teams may have team members allocated to working on testing results & analysis, profit and loss assignment (previous module), and drafting summaries.

This activity will help you to develop…

  • Module Objective 1: Students will be able to develop a prototype testing plan and analysis procedure (CLO1)
  • Module Objective 3: Students will be able to prepare structured summaries of design tool use and results that possess appropriate structure, grammar and tone (CLO3)
  • Module Objective 4: Students will be able to function effectively in selected role (CLO2)


In this assignment the teams will create a test plan. The test plan may be based on the team’s math model, specifications and DFMEA. Team will develop tests that will collect important information needed to verify/refine design concept, propose step-by-step testing procedures, material requirements, equipment needed, test schedules, safety procedures, and data collection methods. The team is required to develop 3 tests for their prototype. A minimum of two test MUST be quantitative and one can be quantitative. Teams will need to identify independent and dependent variables, and are encouraged to create “dummy” graphs showing this to be populated when testing is completed.  Students will be able to prepare structured summaries (final report section/summary) of design tool use and results that possess appropriate structure, grammar and tone

Keys to success are the team’s allocation of work on tasks based on roles/responsibilities. The testing plan will also be more successful with consultations with the Boyd Lab to ensure the test is feasible and that equipment is available to perform a test. The test plan identifies specific test objectives, procedures, equipment, schedules, and expected outcomes to confirm the prototype design will function as intended. Test plan should provide enough detail so that a technician could take your plan and implement the tests without further instruction from you.

Grading Criteria

Grading is based on the “Submission Deliverables Expectations” outlined in the assignment document. This is reflected in the grading rubric available to students on the Canvas once the assignment is opened.

Prototype Fabrication Results and Testing Analysis

In this assignment, teams will document the fabrication process, any revisions made to that process, and testing results. During the fabrication process, the team may discover that a change needs to be made, this may or may not impact the testing plan. If changes need to be made teams will complete an Engineering Change Notice (ECN) and obtain signature from the instructor to approve the change. All changes will be documented and included in the written summary(structured summary as portion of final report). This documents the results of both the fabrication process and testing. This is documentation that design teams need in industrial settings, and is important for record-keeping!

In order to successfully complete this assignment, the teams must interact/discuss both in-class and on MS Teams (if needed), focused on roles/responsibilities to determine workload allocation for successful completion. During the fabrication process, if changes need to be made to the design, and/or testing, this must be completed and documented. This will involve an Engineering Change Notice (ECN), located in DMADVR Toolbox. This is a critical portion of the design process, as key information/data are utilized to make changes, as needed. This may result in improvements and a better understanding of the prototype design. The team will learn about their design during the fabrication/manufacturing, testing and analysis.

This activity will help you to develop…

  • Module Objective 2: Students will apply a test analysis procedure for prototype testing (CLO1)
  • Module Objective 3: Students will be able to prepare structured summaries of design tool use and results that possess appropriate structure, grammar and tone (CLO3)
  • Module Objective 4: Students will be able to function effectively in selected role (CLO2)
  • Module Objective 5: Students will identify the appropriate manufacturing/assembly processes for building a functional prototype (CL04)


Teams will complete the fabrication/manufacturing of the designed prototype and document any changes to the design, as well as, make the changes (CAD, materials, processes, etc.) utilizing an ECN.  If changes impact the testing plan, teams must document this as well (ECN). This is critical in performance determination. Prior to any changes, consult with instructor/Boyd Lab and complete an ECN.  A written summary of this section for the final report will also be completed. 

Grading Criteria

Grading is based on the “Expectations of Assignment Deliverables” outlined in the assignment document. This is reflected in the grading rubric available to students on the Canvas once the assignment is opened.


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Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design Copyright © 2023 by Jacqulyn A. Baughman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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