
Module 00- Micro-economy Kit

Module 00: Overview

Module 00 Objectives
  1. Module Objective 1: Students will be able to describe an engineering problem (CLO1)

  2. Module Objective 2: Students will recognize the three pillars of sustainability in design and impact on design decisions (CLO4)

  3. Module Objective 3: Students will be able to choose an appropriate design team role (CLO2)

  4. Module Objective 4: Students will be able to function effectively in selected role (CLO2

  5. Module Objective 5: Students will be able to prepare engineering drawings using engineering graphics/CAD software (CL01)

 Module Highlights

This module contains learning content that is to be read/reviewed and watched (videos). The module contains interactive videos embedded within learning content, as well as, interactive activities to test for understanding. The interactive materials are not graded. These activities are utilized for students’ own enhanced learning experience. This module is a prerequisite and completion is required in order to view the upcoming learning content and associated activities.

In this module students will be able to recognize the 3 pillars of sustainability (sometimes referred to as the three legs of the sustainability table). This module contains several videos of innovative approaches that entrepreneurs took in solving a problem they discovered in their own country or developing country. Identifying a need and designing a solution that integrates sustainability while assisting impoverished populations. This module provides ideas for impoverished populations in which students can identify a profound need within a target market.  This module will guide student teams in understanding the development of a micro-economy kit. This module will allow students to communicate within their teams about their own skillsets. Identification of team strengths and weakness will be identified in order to allocate work for the semester long design project. The completion of this module is required to reveal the next learning module and associated activities. This module contains a quiz to be completed individually to prepare for teamwork.

Success involves team discussions around skill sets in order to allocate work throughout the semester. Identification of team roles is key to allocation of the team workload. Teams will get to practice this while completing assignments associated with this module.

 Materials, Activities and Assignments

  • Read/review learning module content in order it is presented (setup in Canvas)
  • Watch embedded videos within the learning modules parts
  • Watch video with associated script at the end of the module
  • Complete all interactive learning activities within the learning module
  • DMADVR Toolbox templates associated with assignments
  • Complete the associated learning module quiz to prepare for teamwork
  • Submit associated Learning Module assignments per Canvas due dates
Assignment: Team Norms

This assignment will provide students the opportunity to determine their role and associated responsibilities will be within the team. This will be based on typical roles found in industry-based project teams, and students will be able to develop team-based skills. Students will interact with team members to discuss their skills, abilities, and preferences in determining roles within the team. These roles are crucial to team-based work allocation to ensure the design project work is completed during the semester

This assignment will help you to develop…

  • Module 01 Objective 1: Students will be able to chose an appropriate design team role (CLO2)


Students will need to review the roles provided in the assignment document and discuss their skills, knowledge, and preferences with other team members. Team members will collect contact information and determine how the team will interact, as well as, handle conflict.

In order to successfully complete this assignment , students will need to discuss/interact and agree to the roles/responsibilities for each team member. This interaction may take place in the classroom and on Microsoft Teams. The team will complete the DMADVR toolbox template and submit it to Canvas. Only one team member submits the team-based assignments for the team.

Grading Criteria

Grading is based on the “Expectations of Deliverables” outlined in the assignment document. This is reflected in the grading rubric available to students on the Canvas once the assignment is opened.

Assignment: Widget Drawing, Manufacturability, and Safety Training

This activity is will help you to develop…

  • Module Objective 1: Students will be able to describe an engineering problem (CLO1)

  • Module Objective 2: Students will recognize the three pillars of sustainability in design and impact on design decisions (CLO1)

  • Module Objective 4: Students will be able to function effectively in selected role (CLO2)

  • Module Objective 5: Students will be able to prepare engineering drawings using engineering graphics/CAD software (CL01)


The team will review a provided drawing of a ‘widget’ and modify it in order to manufacture a minimum of 3 widgets. The team will work together to utilized Solidworks, a CAD software program utilized in Mechanical engineering to correct the drawing of the ‘widget” and work with manufacturing (Boyd Lab) to obtain approval for manufacturability. The equipment and raw materials are contained in the Boyd Lab. The widget will be completed after the team members who are going to manufacture it are trained in the appropriate Boyd Lab equipment (typically the miter saw, drill press, and band saw). The team will determine at least 3 team members that will received Shop Equipment Hands-on training, and all team members MUST complete Shop Safety Fundamentals online. Teamwork and collaboration will be keys to success with this assignment. The roles and responsibilities will allocate the workload as per team consensus.

Grading Criteria

The grading rubric is based on the “Expectations of Deliverables” outlined in the assignment document. The rubric is available on Canvas once the assignment is opened.


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Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design Copyright © 2023 by Jacqulyn A. Baughman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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