
ME 2700 Introduction 1: Course Description, Objectives, and Module Overview

ME 2700 Course Description

ME 2700:  Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design (3 Cr.)

Prereq: ME 1600 or (ABE 1600, AERE 1600, BME 1600, CE 1600, CHE 1600, CPRE 1850, EE 1850, ENGR 1600, IE 1480, or SE 1850); ME 1700 or ENGR 1700; PHYS 2310; PHYS 2310L

Course Description:  Overview of mechanical engineering design with applications to thermal and mechanical systems. Introduction to current design practices used in industry. Semester-long team project focused on addressing societal needs. Past projects include designing human powered charging systems and products for developing nations.

ME 2700 Course Learning Objectives/Outcomes (CLO)

  • CLO1:  Given an open-ended problem, students will apply the engineering design process and tools to generate a solution (Specific instructor sections)
  • CLO2:  Students will demonstrate effective teamwork and collaboration during the engineering design process
  • CLO3:  Students will be able to create technical reports that possess appropriate structure, grammar, and tone
  • CLO4:  Students will be able to identify ways that social, economic, and environmental issues (three  legs of the sustainability table) impact or are impacted by the activities of the designer

Watch the video below for an example of a team testing their solution prototype!  This video has no sound.

Module Objectives
  1. Module Objective 1:  Students will be able to define syllabus components/statements and hybrid/flipped course setup (CL01)

  2. Module Objective 2:  Students will be able to identify the design process (Design for Six Sigma, DFSS) and associated tools (CL01)

 Module Highlights

This module contains learning content that is to be read/reviewed and watched (videos). The module contains interactive videos embedded within learning content, as well as, interactive activities for students to test their own understanding of the material. The interactive materials are not graded but for the students’ own enhanced learning experience in testing their understanding. This module is a prerequisite and completion is required to view the next module’s content learning content and associated activities.

In this module, students will gain an overall understanding of the course and the design process utilized, Design for Six Sigma (DFSS).  Students will be introduced to the DMADVR toolbox that contains the DFSS tools/templates utilized throughout the semester in completing design team assignments. The  DMADVR toolbox video will provide students with an overview and guidance to its location in Canvas.

 Materials, Activities and Assignments

  • Read/review learning module content in sequential order as setup in Canvas

  • Watch embedded videos within learning modules and associated parts (1-3a)

  • Complete all interactive learning activities within the learning module


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Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design Copyright © 2023 by Jacqulyn A. Baughman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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