10.1 Introduction to Foam Products


  • To apply the principles of foam formation.
  • To compare characteristics of foams to those of emulsions.
  • To identify the stages of egg-white foam formation and the characteristics and uses of each stage.
  • To determine the effects of added ingredients on stability of egg-white foam.

Laboratory Problem

  • Observe the characteristics of elasticity and stability in egg white foams; suggest possible uses for egg whites at various stages of foam formation.

A. Beat One Egg White to the Stages of Foam Formation shown in the table.

Record observations and explanations.

B. Beat a Soft Meringue to the Stages of Foam Formation shown in the table.

Sift ⅛ tsp. cream of tartar over egg white.  Beat to beginning of soft peak stage.  Gradually add 2 tbsp. plus 1½ tsp. sugar while beating.  Observe and record observations at each stage.

Describe differences between what you observed with egg white and what you observe with meringue.

Stage of Foam Sketch Appearance of Peak



Soft Peak
Upper Soft Peak
Stiff Peak


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Basic Scientific Food Preparation Lab Manual Copyright © 2023 by Iowa State University Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.