
Part Three. Enscape

Chapter 21. Edit lighting and create a video

Session Objectives

Upon completing this session, students will be able to:

  • (CO 1) Save and load presets
  • (CO 2) Set and adjust artificial lighting
  • (CO 3) Create a walk-through video

 Session Highlights

At the end of the session, students can create the graphics below.
It shows the session highlight presenting a screen-captured image from an Enscape rendered video. This is the expected result at the end of this lecture.

 Lecture Contents

(CO 1) Save and load presets

The saving and loading presets are very helpful if you need to render multiple images. You will save a lot of time and produce consistent image qualities.

You can save the visual setting that you modified

  • [STEP 1] Click Presets
  • [STEP 2] Click Save Preset > Save to Project or Save to File
  • [STEP 3] Name the preset
    It indicates how to save Enscape Preset.
  • It is recommended to save three types of preset [Perspective-Day, Perspective-Night, and Isometric]

To load a preset that you already saved

  • [STEP 1] Click Presets
  • [STEP 2] Click load Preset > Load from Project, or you may load from the file
  • [STEP 3] Select a preset that you would like to load > Click OK
    It indicates how to load Enscape Preset

(CO 2) Set and adjust artificial lightings

For better artificial lighting simulation

  • [STEP 1] Use a night-time scene time (sunset or sunrise would work as well)
  • [STEP 2] Turn off “Auto Exposure” in Enscape visual settings
    • Exposure Brightness = 60% ~ 80% (Nighttime scene)
    • Exposure Brightness = 51%~53% (Day time scene)
  • [STEP 3] The render quality should be High or Ultra
  • [STEP 4] Vignette effect = 0%
  • [STEP 5] Artificial Light Brightness = 100% ~ 150%

Once you change the time of day, you must click “create 3D view” to save that time of day.

  • [STEP 1] Click [Create 3D view] from the [Enscape] tab
  • [STEP 2] Name the view
    It indicates how to create a night scene.

You may need to adjust the value of Illuminance on the “Initial Intensity” of lighting properties.
It indicates how to change the Lighting intensity.

Find/use IES lighting from this link

Use/adjust self-illumination materials for lighting sources
It indicates how to change the Lighting Source illumination.

(CO 3) Create a walk-through video

To create a video path with scenes

  • [STEP 1] Click “Video Editor” from the Enscape tab
  • [STEP 2] Click “Add keyframe” – Once you click “Add keyframe,” the setting will be saved
    It indicates how to add a keyframe for an Enscape video.
  • [STEP 3] Change the scene by moving the scene
  • [STEP 4] Once you think the next scene is the right position (recommend foot walk to see the scene from the same height), click “Add keyframe,” then you can see the second frame is added.
  • [STEP 5] You may check the preview to see how this works.
    It indicates how to move and add another keyframe.
  • [STEP 6] Repeat step 3 to 5 to create a complete path for a video
    It indicates how to move and add another keyframe.
  • [STEP 7] Click a [frame] and change the settings (time of the day, duration of the movement, camera field of view, and camera position) and click “Apply” to apply the changes
    It indicates how to edit the keyframes.
  • [STEP 8] You can repeat other frames to change the settings
    It indicates how to edit the keyframes.
  • [STEP 9] You can get out of the keyframe editor by clicking Back, Click Preview to see the results
    It indicates how to edit the keyframes.

To save a video path

  • [STEP 1] Click “Save Path” from the Enscape tab
  • [STEP 2] Make a unique name for the path
    It indicates how to save a video path.

To render the video

  • [STEP 1] Load camera path by clicking “Camera Path” > “Load path” from the Enscape tab
  • [STEP 2] Change video size from Visual Setting – Resolution (HD is recommended), the quality can be [Web], FPS must be [30]
  • [STEP 3] Click “Render Video” to render the path
    It indicates how to change the visual setting for a video.

Note. To render the video, it will take a while because of the pictures that the video renders. Typically, if you render a 1-second video, Enscape renders 30 frames. If one frame takes 10 seconds to render, a total 1-second Video takes 300 seconds to render. Enscape does a great job because Revit rendering takes 5 minutes to render one frame.


Free Enscape Student & Educational Licenses – Enscape™. (2020, June 05). Retrieved October 23, 2020, from https://enscape3d.com/educational-license/


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