Book Title: Quantitative Methods for Plant Breeding

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Book Description: This open textbook covers common statistics used in agriculture research, including experimental design in plant breeding and genetics, as well as the analysis of variance, regression, and correlation.
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Book Description
This open textbook covers common statistics used in agriculture research, including experimental design in plant breeding and genetics, as well as the analysis of variance, regression, and correlation. Field book generation, data organization, quality checking, and graphical plotting are discussed. Finally, data analysis using common software packages is covered, followed by practices for presenting, interpreting, and summarizing results.
Quantitative Methods for Plant Breeding Copyright © 2023 by Walter Suza (Editor); Kendall Lamkey (Editor); Ken Moore; M. L. Harbur; Ron Mowers; Laura Merrick; Dennis Todey; Kendra Meade; William Beavis; Reka Howard; Ursula Frei; and Anthony Assibi Mahama is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Agronomy and crop production