
8.4 Phrase Elisions and Cadential Extensions: Aural Training exercises

Step 1) Listen to each of the following musical excerpts.

Step 2) For each excerpt, identify the phrases using letters (such as a, b, b’, c, etc)

Step 3) Label the form of each (i.e. Sentence, Contrasting Period, Parallel Double Period, etc)

Step 4) Identify what kind of extension or elision each has (each has only one)


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Melody 1 phrases (letters):
Melody 1 phrase form:
Melody 1 extension type or elision:


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Melody 2 phrases:
Melody 2 phrase form:
Melody 2 extension type or elision:


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Melody 3 phrases:
Melody 3 phrase form:
Melody 3 extension type or elision:


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Comprehensive Musicianship, A Practical Resource Copyright © 2023 by Randall Harlow; Heather Peyton; Jonathan Schwabe; and Daniel Swilley is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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